Aquarium Basics
Aquariums are an amazing and beautiful hobby. This
hobby provides hours of restful activity, apt to get Arelived from the usual pressure and tension of
everyday life. It helps children to learn about ecosystem. A lot of
preparation and planning goes into the setting up of an aquarium
for your fish to ensure a long life for your pet.
Although it may seem to be very complicated and involve a lot of
work, in truth an aquarium is easier to manage than a simple
looking fish bowl.
Like any other household equipments, you have to set up the
whole aquarium setup and run it for two days. Only after testing
the aquarium's efficient running, should you purchase the
Before purchasing an aquarium, you have to consider the
1. Tank size and type
2. Aquarium Equipments
3. Tank Accessories
Tank size and type
1. You have to choose the aquarium type and size according to the
type of Goldfish you are going to purchase. Secondly, consider
the range of cost at which you are planning to buy the aquarium
and other essential things for fish.
Goldfish will survive long in cool-water aquarium. You should not
put Goldfish in warm water or heated aquariums. So, choose cool
water aquarium for all varieties of Goldfish you have to decide on
the size of the aquarium depending on the variety of Goldfish
you're going to buy.
Aquarium Equipments
Goldfish needs equipment such as heater, lights and filters tosurvive long periods in the aquarium. Providing these equipments,
gives them a feel of living in the natural temperament.
You have to choose the brand of heater and thermometeraccording to your budget. You can fix a thermometer in the tankto measure the heat fluctuation. You have to maintain appropriatetemperature for your Goldfish avoiding temparature fluctuations.
They are so many heaters available in the fish pet stores. Buy asuitable heater for a cool water aquarium. Don't forget to buy a
thermometer as it is very essential to measure the temperatureinside the tank.
Appropriate lighting not only makes a tank look attractive, butalso plays a role in your fish's attitude and temperament. The
lighting you choose should complement and highlight your fish's colors.
While buying lights for your fish tank, you will have a few optionsto choose from. The most common lights are strip lights, full hoodlights and canopy lights. You also have a choice between
fluorescent and incandescent fixtures. Fluorescent fixtures areperhaps a better option as they produce more light and give out
lesser heat than incandescent bulbs.
There are many types of filters floating the market and you
Different varieties of filters available in the market are listed
Emperor Power Filter
First power filter to combinehigh-end performance withmultiple filtration options.should choose a filter best suited to your tank. The person in
charge of the pet store will be able to guide you in your choice.
This provides mechanical filtration by removing and filtering waste
from the water. They usually do this by replaceable filter media
such as carbon or floss or cartridges.
Penguin Bio-Wheel Power Filters byMarineland
These Power Filtersdeliver efficient, three-stage aquariumfiltration without air pumps, valves,tubing or air stones.
Proquatics Power Filters
Proquatics Power Filters provide anoptimal combination of mechanical,chemical and biological filtration to
ensure a clean, beautiful aquariumand healthy fish. Sold onlyat PETs MART.
Top Fin Power Filters and FiltrationCartridges
These filters offer complete3-stage filtration in one quiet, efficientunit. Available in several sizes for
aquariums upto 60 gallons.Made in the USA.
EHEIM Liberty Power Filters
Provides three-stage filtration - mechanical,chemical, and biological. The advanced3D technology is based on a disposable
pleated carbonized cartridge whichprovide 100% more mechanical andchemical filtration.
Aqua Clear Filters by Hagen
These compact filters pack a punch withlarge filter material capacity. Featuresthe patented "Flow Adjustment Control"at the intake siphon.
The SandMan Fluidized Filters
The first power filter to use flulidizedsand for biological filtration.
H.O.T. Magnum Compact Hang-OnTank Filter by Marineland
Powerful, quiet, and convenient.
Magnum 350 Pro Canister Filter System by Marineland
3 in 1 filtration system.Unmatched power and versatility.
Magnum Canister Filter by Marineland
Use in a freshwater or marine aquariumto achieve crystal clear water. Powerfulyet quiet operation.
Proquatics Internal Power Filter
deal as a primary filter in low water terrariums, small aquariums, orgoldfish bowls.
Whisper Internal Micro Filter
Efficient filtration for small aquariumsand turtle tanks. Features adjustable flow rate upto 70 GPH
Shark UL Filter from Penn Plax
This versatile internal filter and waterpump can be used in aquariums orterrariums upto 20 gallons.
Tank Accessories or Ornaments
Tank accessories also make your Goldfish to feel they are living in the natural environment and also dressing up the aquarium.
1) Gravel or Rocks
2) Aquarium plants
You have to select suitable substrate and plants for your Goldfish. Some of these substrates and plants are not suitable for
temperament we maintain in the tank and they may wound thefish while they are swimming.
You should be very careful whilebuying ornaments for youraquarium. Buy only thoseornaments that are labeled aquarium-safe as anything elsemight be toxic for your fish. It issafest to buy ornaments from a pet store.
You will have a wide range of products to choose from… rocks,plastic plants, artificial driftwood, ceramic decorations, shells, etc.
You could also collect rocks from your garden for the tank. Justmake sure that you clean them thoroughly with conditioned water
Aquarium Basics 23 to get rid of any trace of pesticides, chemicals, or toxic minerals.In fact, you should clean all ornaments with conditioned waterbefore you put them into your aquarium/pond. Plastic plants are popular ornaments for aquariums. They come in a wide range ofcolors, textures, shapes and sizes. But not all plastic plants can beput into a tank and you should be careful when you buy them.
Most of them contain metal wires that rust easily. The rustedmetal wires pollute the tank and make it toxic for your fish. So be
careful when you pick up plastic plants. Make sure that they are labeled aquarium-safe.Another consideration while selecting plastic plants is the amountof gravel you have in your tank. Most plants have a base that isdesigned in such a way that they need to be pushed into an inchof gravel. If your tank has very little gravel then it won't work.You may buy these things in the pet stores and also with the helpof breeders.Following are some the various ornaments which are suitable forcool-water aquariums and Goldfishes.
Gravel is normally used for its aesthetic value in tanks. It givesthem a natural look. It is also very useful in the production of
beneficial bacteria. However, it is not necessary to have gravel inyour tank unless you have an underground filter or live plants in
your tank.
Gravel your tank to bring out the color of your fish. You shouldadd darker gravels as lighter gravels give a washed out color to the
fish.Aquarium gravel comes in many sizes,shapes, colors and materials.Natural gravel, epoxy-coatedgravel and tumbled glass are thecommon gravel materials used inaquarium. If you have a freshwateraquarium, you should ideally use quartz or granite. You shouldavoid coral, seashells, dolomite and limestone-based materials asthese release carbonates into the tank, which in turn raises thewater's pH buffering capacity. To check if your gravel is inert, put a bit of vinegar on the gravel. If it foams or bubbles, itis not inert.Clean the gravel thoroughly before you put it into the tank.
Natural gravels can be put in a dish ofwater and boiled. However, epoxyor plastic coated gravel shouldnever be boiled, as this will
loosen the coating.
Cultured Gravel
Since bacteria are necessary for your tank, cultured gravel withnormal aquarium gravel with a layer of beneficial bacteria growingon the surface. If you buy gravel in the bag, they will not becultured. You will need a layer of cultured gravel atleast a quarterof an inch thick. This gravel will biologically remove waste fromthe water in the tank.If your tank has a power filter and a BIO-Wheel, you need notadd cultured gravel to it, as sufficient bacteria will grow on theBIO-Wheel. If you are a first-time fish owner, you should get a filter with a BIO-Wheel and avoid gravel altogether.Don't use the following things since these materials may containsoluble matters which may pollute the water in the aquarium.
1. Sea shells
2. Builder's gravel
3. Beach sand
4. Drift wood
Aquarium Plants
Plants are necessary to improve the atmosphere of the tank. Butyou can't just put any water plant into the tank as your Goldfishmight try to eat it.Live aquarium plants can add lots of color; however, they needproper care or they will develop problems. Most live plantproblems stem from water quality problems, improper lighting,and fish eating or uprooting them.Signs: Unhealthy plants will appear soft, unusually dark or lightcolored,thin leaves, mushy or dark colored roots, or bad smelling.
Gravel Vacuum
To operate the gravel vacuum, you will need to get a siphonstarted in the tube.Place a bucket on a low stool or on the floor in front of the fishtank, and place the wide end of the gravel vacuum in the aquarium
.To get your siphon started, you will need to get water into thesiphon tube. Probably the easiest way to do this is to gently suckthe water from one end of the tube while holding it above thebucket and below the water level in the aquarium.
As soon as the water gets past the edge of the tank and begins toflow down the tube, remove your mouth from the siphon andallow the water to flow into the bucket. (You can buy a siphonstarter kit from a pet store if you want to.)
Once you have the siphon started, you will need to place the endof the gravel vacuum into the gravel. The flow of water out of thetank through the siphon will lift the debris out of the gravel andcarry it into the bucket.
As each spot in the gravel becomes clean, you will probably wantto plug the lower end of the siphon with your finger or thumband lift the gravel vacuum out of the gravel and move it to anadjacent and unclean section of the gravel.
Unless you are severely overfeeding your fish or providing waterchanges too infrequently, you should be able to vacuum between1/4 and 1/3 of the gravel with 10-15% water change each week.You will get best results if you place the end of the gravel vacuumdeep into the gravel,and do not move it until it has pulled all thedebris out of the gravel.
If, at any time, the gravel gets too high in the gravel vacuum, youcan easily release the gravel from the vacuum by plugging theother end of the siphon tube with your finger or thumb.To stop the siphon, simply raise either end of the siphon abovethe surface level of the fish tank.
Some gravel vacuums in the market are as follows:
Top Fin Gravel Vacuum
Separates debris from gravel when making routine water changes.Self-starting siphon action for easier cleaning. Made exclusively for PETsMART.
Proquatics Gravel Vacuum, Deluxe gravel vacuum with selfstarting siphon. Some of the mentionable features are the
removable wide-mouth nozzle for extra 20% coverage and aflexible, non-kink vinyl hose. Made exclusively for PETsMART.
Hagen Gravel Vacuum
Easy-clean gravel vacuum have a quick-start siphon feature and a
bucket clip for easier use.
Symptoms & Diagnosis
In many cases, if an aquarium plant's leaves appear healthy butthe roots look unhealthy, the cause is improper water conditions.
If the roots look healthy but the leaves appear thin, the plant mostlikely has some form of bacterial or fungal disease. Occasional
brown leaves are normal, but should be pruned. Numerous brownleaves or abnormally long, thin leaves indicate inadequateaquarium lighting. Abnormally stunted plants or excessive algaegrowth indicates too much light. Holes in the leaves are normallycaused by fish, snails, etc.
Water Conditions
An aquarium that has proper water conditions should be and idealenvironment for most live plants. Slightly acidic water is generally
preferable to hard water because hard water can cause the leavesto become brown.
Fish Uprooting Plants
Large fish may occasionally uproot plants. Goldfish are notoriousfor this.
Fish or Animals Eating the Plants
Goldfish love to nibble on the plants provided in their tanks. Use any of the plastic plants and attach it to the tank's glass with
suction cup devices made for aquariums. It allows them to eat it without having the mess of the plants decaying in the gravel bed.
Listed below are plants that are Goldfish-safe:
Other equipments
1) When you buy an aquarium, you'll also need to buy a cover forit and an aquarium stand.
2) You also need to buy a 5-inch fish net with a handle to catchthe fish when you want to transfer them. You can buy all these supplies at a pet store
Water Conditions for Goldfish
Most tap water is safe for fish, provided a maximum of 20% ofthe water is changed in a day. In a few areas you can't use the tap
water in your aquarium. For instance, some well water haschemicals or minerals that are toxic to fish. So you must becautious. If youhave doubts, talk with someone at the local waterdistrict. You can also chat with someone else who keeps fish inyour area. Many water conditioners will neutralize most toxicchemicals. Usually, you can change up to 20% of the water inyour aquarium without adding water conditioner. But changingmore than 20% of the water on the same day is risky, even if youadd conditioner. If you don't want to use bottled water for theaquarium, you should buy a bottle of water conditioner to treatthe tap water with.
Heater Size Guide
Gallons/Liters |
5ºC/9ºF |
10ºC/18ºF |
15ºC/27ºF |
5 gal/25 L |
25 watt |
50 watt |
75 watt |
10 gal/50 L |
50 watt |
75 watt |
75 watt |
20 gal/75 L |
50 watt |
75 watt |
150 watt |
25 gal/100 L |
75 watt |
100 watt |
200 watt |
40 gal/150 L |
100 watt |
150 watt |
300 watt |
50 gal/200 L |
150 watt |
200 watt |
two 200 watt |
65 gal/250 L |
200 watt |
250 watt |
two 250 watt |
75 gal/300 L |
250 watt |
300 watt |
two 300 watt |
Subtract the average temperature of the room the aquarium islocated in from the temperature you wish to maintain theaquarium water at. Find the size of your aquarium in the left handcolumn and move to the column that shows the number ofdegrees theaquarium needs to be heated. If the heatingrequirement is between levels, move up to the next larger size.In larger tanks, or where the room temperature is significantlybelow the desired water temperature, two heaters may berequired. Heaters should be installed at opposite ends of the aquarium to heat it more evenly.
Average Room Temp = 68 degrees F
Desired Water Temp = 77 degrees F
Heating required = 9 degrees F
Tank Size = 20 gallon
Heater size needed = 50 watts