Moving your fish and changing the tank or objects in
the tank is a topic that receives mixed views. The
major concern about changing tanks is over M
bacterial colonies. To maintain a healthy aquarium is to have
thriving colonies of good bacteria. These help to break down and
neutralize wastes produced in the tank. And changing the tank
would mean leaving the bacteria behind. These beneficial bacteria
also live in the gravel bed and the filter, so changing it is also
often debated. But this does not mean that you can't remove
anything from your aquarium. Your fish may even enjoy a change
in gravel.
You should clean your aquarium atleast once in 2 weeks. Transfer
your fish and tank ornaments along with 80% of the tank water
into a temporary container. Scrub the sides and the bottom
thoroughly and rinse it out. Put the water, fish and ornaments
back into the tank and add fresh conditioned water to fill up the
remaining 20% of the aquarium capacity.
Cleaning your tank makes your fish stress. First, transfer your fish
to a temporary bowl or another tank.
Remove the plants and decorative items in the tank.
Remove filters, heater and lights from the tank.
Now, remove gravel or rocks from the tank and any other items
in the tank you can discard from the tank water. Pour this water
onto your rose plants, they will grow nicely.
Clean the rocks or gravel with algae scraper or pad followed by
washing the gravels with bleach water. Remove wetness from the
gravel using a towel.
Cleaning of plants can be easily done by soaking the plants in a
mixture of bleach and water. You must remember to clean and
rinse the plants well before adding them back into the tank or it
may cause diseases to ur fishes
You should wash the hood of the tank firstly. Use scrub pad or
scraper to clean the hood.
Do no use any chemicals to clean it. Clean the outer and inner
side of the glass tank using algae pad. Please do not use soap or
chemicals to clean the algae in the tank.
You can use razor to clean acrylic in the tank. After this, clean
with bleach water. Then,leave it for sometime till it dries.
Step- 8
You can clean the filters with a filter brush or a filter cleaner
Remove the wetness in the filters with a towel. Fix the filter
immediately in the tank after it is cleaned.
Leave your tank to dry and then fix the filters, heaters, and light
one-by-one. Add dry gravel once again to the water tank. Arrange
the plants and other decorative items in the aquarium.
Pour treated fresh water into the aquarium. Now, you can switchon filters, lighters and heaters. Make sure all are working
properly. Check the water quality level of ammonia, pH, and
nitrate / nitrite. All the three should show zero level. You can run
the aquarium setup for one to two hours without adding your
After making sure everything is working properly, float your fish
from temporary tank to the main tank or aquarium.
Steps to replace old gravel with new gravel
You have to understand that it is not as simple as buying new
gravel and replacing the old with the new. It is a complicated procedure and logistics of changing the gravel may seem to be a
bit challenging. It however isn't impossible.
With proper preparation and methodical execution, you will be
able to make things easy for you and also make the transition
easy for your Fish Planning ahead is very important and making a
checklist is essential.
This will ensure that you have all your bases covered. First you
need to buy a water testing kit and then decide what you want to
change in the tank. Buy all the things you want to put into that
tank. If you want to change the entire tank, the following is a list
of things you should buy.
- New gravel
- Holding tank (10 gallon tank is a good choice)
- Cover for holding tank
- Siphon
- Nets
- Buckets for gravel
- Clean cup to scoop gravel
- Stress coat/water treatment
Your prime focus should be on making the transition easy and
stress-free for your Fish. If you are changing only the gravel, make
sure you move the Fish into a temporary container before doing
Changing the gravel is invasive and often affects the Fish the most.
You should always have a spare 10-gallon tank in storage. It comes
very handy when you want to quarantine sick fish or new fish.
You could make do of a 5-gallon bucket from your house. Just
ensure that it is clean and never had detergents or chemicals in it.
After you move the fish, top the tank off completely and test it
for nitrate and ammonia levels. This has to be zero, else you
shouldn't change the gravel. On the day you plan to move yourfish back into their renovated tank, do not feed them as this will
cut down the amount of waste produced. If you are changing the
filter as well, keep the fish in their temporary tank for at least a
couple of weeks. This is to allow the bacteria in the filter to
Procedure to follow on the day of moving Fish into their renovated tank:
Rinse the new gravel until the rinsed water runs clear. Then set up
the holding tank as close to the main tank as possible to make
transfer of the Fish easy. Turn off the filter in the main tank.
Quickly siphon off enough water from the main tank to fill the 10
gallon holding tank until about two thirds of the tank is full.
Remove any live plants, rocks, and other decorations, from the
main tank and put them in the holding tank. Just make sure that
you don't overcrowd your temporary tank with ornaments. Net
the fish and move them to the holding tank. Cover the holding
tank with a tank cover or newspaper or cardboard. Add more
treated water to the main tank and allow the filter to run by turning it on.
Scoop out the old gravel and place it separately in the buckets
acuum debris from the bottom of the tank. Put the new gravel
into the tank. Move rocks, plants and decorations from the
holding tank back to the main tank. Lastly move your fish from
the holding tank back to the main tank.
Keep the lights switched off for a day and add the stress coat to
the water.
Three days after the gravel change, test the water for ammonia. If
it is zero, wait another three days and test again. If it is still zero,
repeat test after one week to be on the safer side. If the test shows
a rise in ammonia levels, treat the tank as if it were a newly set up
aquarium. This includes frequent testing and water changes until
the ammonia and nitrite levels fall to zero.