Veiltail Goldfish
Other Common Names:
Feather-dressed long finned
Man-yu in Asia
Japan, China
Total length is 6 - 10 inches (18 - 25 cm), body
length is 2.25 inches (5.5 cm), and depth of the body
is more than 2/3rd of the body length.
The average lifespan is up to 20 years.
Physical Description
The Veiltail Goldfish is a very gracious and beautiful fish, and it
comes as no surprise that it is very popular among Goldfish
keepers and breeders. A Veiltail Goldfish should have a short and
rounded body with a smooth outline. The Veiltail Goldfish
standard requires the trailing edge of the caudal fin to be free
from forking or pointed lobes. A perfect Veiltail Goldfish must
have a single dorsal fin and all other fins paired. A Veiltail
Goldfish of high quality sports a strong color intensity that
extends all the way to the fins.
The Veiltail Goldfish probably originated from metallic fishimported to the United States from Japan in 1893. The Veiltail
Goldfish appeared during the 1920s and was then called
Philadelphia Veiltail Goldfish. The calico strains were developed by
crossing the fish with calico colored globe-eyed goldfish. The next
steps in the history of the Veiltail Goldfish took place in Britain.
Color Varieties of Telescope
The coloration can be calico or metallic (self-colored or
The Veiltail Goldfish can be kept in ponds, but it is much weaker
than those Goldfish types typically kept in ponds. Most aquarists
therefore keep their Veiltail Goldfish in indoor aquariums where
the fish can be well looked after and pampered. You can decorate
your pond or aquarium with water plants or rooted plants.
The temperature of the tank should be maintained
as 65 - 75 degrees F. 75 degrees F. Lighting should be high. We
have to maintain a peaceful temperament.
Water Condition:
The tank water conditions should be maintainedat a pH level of 6.5 - 7.5 and dH of 4 - 20.
Moving Level in Water:
It loves to move in all levels of water.
Clean the aquarium and feed your Veiltail Goldfish suitable food
to get them into spawning condition. A combination of dry foods,
such as pellets and flakes, and fresh or frozen foods, such as
bloodworms and earthworms is recommended.
The Veiltail Goldfish is very hard to breed true to its type; it is
actually considered one of the hardest fancy Goldfish types to
breed. Many Veiltail Goldfish follows just a few of the standard
requirements. A Veiltail Goldfish can grow older than 10 years,
but is usually not used for breeding when it is older than five.
Selecting a good Veiltail
1. The caudal fin should be divided, flowing and at least ¾ of the
body length.
2. The Fish should be bright and alert and show off its dorsal finhigh and erect.
3. High quality fish color intensity should extend to its fin.