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Gold Fish Care

History of Goldfish
External Parts of the Goldfish
Aquarium Basics
Aquarium Setup
How to Maintain Water Quality
Fish Bowls
How to Clean the Aquarium
Goldfish Varieties
Oranda Goldfish
Ryukin Goldfish
Pearscale Goldfish
Redcap Oranda Goldfish
Lionhead Goldfish
Veiltail Goldfish
Fantail Goldfish
Black Moor Goldfish
Bubble Eye Goldfish
Celestial Goldfish
Common Gold fish
Comet Goldfish
Egg Goldfish
Jinkins Goldfish
Pompons Goldfish
Ranchu Goldfish
Telescope Goldfish
Wakins Goldfish
Black Dragon Eye
Shubunkin Goldfish
Auto Feeders
Feeder goldfish
Breeding Goldfish
Goldfish Healthcare
Goldfish Diseases
Steps for Building a Pond

Oranda Goldfish

Other Common Name:

Tigerhead in Far East.


China, Japan


It can grow up to 6 - 10 inches (15 to 25 cm), body length is 2.25 inches (5.5 cm), caudal fin length is 3/4th of the body length, and depth of the body is 2/3rd of the body length.


Average lifespan is 18 years.

Physical Description

Originally bred in China, Oranda is now the most popular variety of Goldfish found in the Western World. The hood is well grown at the top of the head (cranial region) while the hood is less developed in the cheeks & gills (infra orbital & opercular regions). Oranda looks like Veiltail but it doesn't have long tails as Veiltail and it has a hood likeLionhead Goldfish. But hood isn't equally developed in all three parts (cranial region, infra-orbital and opercular regions) of the head.

Oranda has a single dorsal fin and other fins are paired. Caudal in is well divided and forked.

Color Varieties of Oranda

The Oranda occurs in red, black, blue, chocolate brown, bronze, white, calico, red and black, red and white and red, black andwhite. The scales of this fish can be matte or glossy.

Redcap Oranda

Redcap Oranda is very popular in the world. This is one of the color varieties of Oranda. But some of its special features make this variety distinct from other one. Redcap Oranda has all the parts filled with white color except the cherry red hood. Hood of the fish is developed only in the top of the head (cranial region). All other internal and external features are the same as Oranda. Due to the red color hood, it is named as Redcap Oranda.


The Oranda is a hard fish and can be kept in an outdoor pond. If winters in your region are severe, it is best to bring your Oranda indoors at this time. Each Oranda requires a 15 - 20 gallon tank. The fish is not born with the hood. It grows between the age of 3 months and 2 years. Proper and regular cleaning of the water tank and good quality of water is required for the growth of hood. Absence of maintenance leads to infection from bacteria and fungi. So, this fish not recommended for beginners.

You can provide substrate like river round rocks and gravel. You can decorate your aquariums with cold water plants and roots as plastic plants with sharp edges may injure the hood of the fish.


Oranda can survive well in 65 to 75 degrees F (18 - 23 degrees C). We have to provide high lighting effect for this fish. Water Condition: You have to maintain water condition in the tank with pH as 6.5 - 7.5 and dH as 4 to 20. You have to fill fresh cold water in the tank.

Moving Level in Water:

Oranda can swim in the middle level ofwater. Do not put them in the same space as the faster swimming fish such as the Comet and Shubunkin.


Like other varieties of Goldfish, Oranda aren't fussy eaters. You should put them on a varied diet that includes soaked pellets, flakes, vegetables, shrimp and bloodworms. Put a few plants on the bottom of the pond or tank for your Oranda to snack on. Avoid using live foods as they may induce parasite infection. Feed them with 30 percent protein diet to enhance hood development.


Oranda variety Goldfish are easy to breed them. Ideal pond/tank mates for the Oranda are the Ranchu, Lionhead, Moor and Pearlscales. They lay eggs between 800 to 1000 eggs per breeding.

Selecting a good Oranda

1. The body should be short with a smooth outline.
2. It should have a high single dorsal fin.
3. Caudal fin should be well divided and it should flow gracefully.
4. Hood should well developed in all three parts whereas in Recap
Oranda, it should be well developed in cranial region only.
5. Caudal fin should be forked and may be pointing down.
6. Hood color should be cherry red in case of Redcap Oranda.

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