Goldfish is the domesticated subspecies of Carassius
auratus,the gibel carp is endemic to China and shows a
wide range of morphological variation when raised in different environments. Goldfish are an intrinsic part of Chinese
The Chinese have kept Goldfish as pets for centuries. Wild
Goldfish grows up to a length of 30 cm. They weigh 2.5 kg and
live between 2 and 10 years. However, there have been reports of
some of them living over 40 years. Two Hong Kong fish breeders
are angling for a place in the Guinness Book of Records with a
giant goldfish the size of an average housecat.
"Bruce", more formally known as a Red Oranda, measures 37.2 cm
(15 in) long and is big enough and strong enough to give any
hungry tabby second thoughts.
Scooping up the writhing orange bundle with both hands, Louis
Chan beamed and attributed Bruce's bulk to selective breeding, a
good diet and plenty of exercise.“Every fish breeder dreams of owning the biggest fish," said Louisas he and his brother Jackie showed off the grounds of their large
fish farm in Dongguan in China's Guangdong province.