Pearlscale Goldfish
Average total size of the fish is 10 inches (25
cm), body length is 2.25 inches, and depth of the
body is 2/3rd of the body length.
Average lifespan is up
to 15 years.
Physical Description
Pearlscale Goldfish has a fatter shape with a bulging middle. There is a hard, white, raised area in the middle of each scale and looks like a white pearl so it is named as Pearlscale. There is only one dorsal fin and all other fins occur in pairs. Caudal fin should be forked and held high horizontally. There are two kinds of Pearlscale Goldfish with or without head growth. The head growth of this variety of goldfish is called a Hamanishiki. The Pearlscale Goldfish was first recorded in the 1900s. This is an outlandish fish with distinctive scales. People around the world have nick named this fish “Golf-ball”.
Color Varieties of Ryukin
This type of fish occurs in red, red and white, calico, blue, black and chocolate brown.
This fish will fit comfortably well in a 30 gallon fish tank with other fish, as long as they aren't faster than it. You can use gravel or river rocks as bottom substrate. You can decorate your aquarium with softy and aquarium plants. Make sure that you don't keep pointed ornaments in the tank. If the scales are damaged they will never grow back. They aren't quick swimmers and Goldfish varieties you should not include in the tank are Comets, Shubunkins and Wakin.
They can survive well in 65 to 75 degrees F (18 - 23
degrees C). Lighting arrangement should be high for this fish.
Water Condition
Pearlscale Goldfish scales need calcium-rich
water condition.
Moving Level in Water
It moves in the middle level of the water.
Pearlscale Goldfish, like most other Pearlscale Goldfish, like most
other varieties of Goldfish aren't fussy eaters. Being a small and
stout fish, it is best to feed soaked pellets and flakes. Avoid all
types of expanding food, as they will cause constipation. You can
also feed them vegetable like lettuce, cucumber and peas. While
you feed with live foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia,
make sure they are not affected by any bacterial or parasital
It is not so hard to breed this fish variety. It can lay eggs between
900 and 1000. Selecting a good Ryukin
1. The body should be short and rounded.
2. The scale should be doomed all over the body of the fish.
3. Caudal fin should be divided and held high without signs of