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Gold Fish Care

History of Goldfish
External Parts of the Goldfish
Aquarium Basics
Aquarium Setup
How to Maintain Water Quality
Fish Bowls
How to Clean the Aquarium
Goldfish Varieties
Oranda Goldfish
Ryukin Goldfish
Pearscale Goldfish
Redcap Oranda Goldfish
Lionhead Goldfish
Veiltail Goldfish
Fantail Goldfish
Black Moor Goldfish
Bubble Eye Goldfish
Celestial Goldfish
Common Gold fish
Comet Goldfish
Egg Goldfish
Jinkins Goldfish
Pompons Goldfish
Ranchu Goldfish
Telescope Goldfish
Wakins Goldfish
Black Dragon Eye
Shubunkin Goldfish
Auto Feeders
Feeder goldfish
Breeding Goldfish
Goldfish Healthcare
Goldfish Diseases
Steps for Building a Pond

Telescope Goldfish

Other Common Name:

Globe-eye Goldfish, Dragoneye Goldfish


Asia, China, Japan


Body length is 8 inches (cm).The Depth of the body is more than 2/3rd of body length. Caudal fin length is 3/4th of body length.


Telescope Goldfish lives between 15 to 20 years.

Physical Description

The Telescope Goldfish has an egg-shaped body with large protruding eyes that looks like those of a dragon. The eyes are also dome-shaped and are wider at the base than the tip. Initially bred in China as an experiment, this fish is now popular world over. A slight variation to the Telescope is the Demekin (bred in Japan). Telescope Goldfish has normal eyes while inside the egg. One month after being hatched, its eyes begins to grow the bulge. It may take three months to develop protruding eyes. Another special feature is that these fish have a single dorsal fin while other fins are paired. The fins include a pair of deeply forked caudal fins, a long dorsal fin and a pair each of pectoral, anal and pelvic fins. The shape of the caudal fin can be butterfly, broadtail or veiltail. This Goldfish differs from Celestial Goldfish by the eyes which are in upward direction. Some people find the big bulging eyes of the telescope alluring, while others find it ugly. However, Telescope Goldfish has unique eyes that will definitely attract your attention.

Color Varieties of Telescope

Telescope Goldfish occur in black, orange, white, black and white, red and white, calico and tri-color (black, red and white). Very rarely do you come across chocolate brown or blue-scaled Telescope Goldfish.


Telescope Goldfish needs a minimum of 40 gallons capacity of fish tank. All goldfish that belong to carp group are generally quite hardy. So, the tank setup should be with fine gravel, hardy bottom, cold water plants and fresh water. Since these Goldfish are good diggers it will strew the sand on to the leaves, injuring thin and less hardy plants. Use of well-rounded river rocks is good for your aquarium.

Do not put Fish faster than the Telescope in the same tank. Theyaren't very good pond Fish as they are easy prey for cats and
birds. Avoid plastic plants ornaments, as this can hurt the Telescope's eyes. Also, wrap a sponge around the filter intake tubes so that your fish doesn't hurt its eyes if it accidentallybumps into it.


The temperature of the tank should be maintained as 65 - 75 degrees F. Lighting should be high. We have to maintain a peaceful temperament.

Water Condition:

The tank water conditions should be maintained at a pH level of 6.5 - 7.5 and dH of 4 - 20.

Moving Level in Water:

This Fish can swim in the middle level of the water region.


It is omnivorous and will eat vegetables like lettuce and cucumber and live foods like blood worms, etc. To feed your Fish floating food and bloodworms, use a feeding cone. Limit protein to 30% of the diet which is good for Goldfish.Though all varieties of Goldfish are not fussy eaters, the problems you'll face with a Telescope are due to its eyes. This Fish can see food only from a certain angle and if it misses it, it is in danger of starving. To avoid this, make sure you drop the feed at the same place everyday. If you are feeding your fish pellets, make sure they are of the sinking kind. Your fish will soon learn to find food that is available at the bottom of the tank. You could also put a feeding clip in the tank to feed vegetables. This is a device that can be suction fixed to the tank on which you can attach.


This fish belongs to the scattered egg reproduction type. Telescope Goldfish have a definite courtship ritual. So, it can breed easily. It lays up to 1000 eggs and fry hatches within 5 to 6 days. We can feed foods to the fry, which should make for the egg-laying fish.

Selecting a good Telescope

While Selecting the Telescope Goldfish we have to note the following points.
Good specimen should have large, symmetrical and bulged eyes. The pupils of the eyes should lie horizontally and pointing upwards. (Note that the eyes are not the same type as on the Broadtail Moor, they should be truncated cones, not spherical) Dorsal fin should be erect, bright and alert.
Caudal fin should be well divided and trailing edge should have a fork of 1/4th to 3/8th of the caudal fin length.
Good quality fish will have high color intensity extending into the fins


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