Black Moor Goldfish
Other Common Names:
Black Dragon Eye, Black Peony
China, Asia, Japan
Total length up to 10 inches (25 cm) [Body length 2 ¼ inches (5.5 cm), caudal fin length ¾ of the body length, Depth of body is 2/3rd of body length and Dorsal fin 1/3rd to 5/8th of the body depth.]
up to 20 years
Physical Description
Black Moor Goldfish are quite hardy in nature since they belongs to carp group. Their eyes are unique as they are protruding and pointing sideways. This distinguishes them from Telescope which has spherical and more protrudingeyes. Celestial fish has eyes facing upwards whereas Moor has its eyes facing sidewards. Moor has a silver belly with arectangular shape body outline and a broad and deeply forked tail. Moor having single dorsal fin and other caudal, anal, pectoral and pelvic fins occur in pairs. The caudal fin and lobes are rounded and forked whereas other fins are of the same size.
Various Color and Pattern
Black Moor is the one of the veil tail variety. All varieties of
Moor has a black coloration overall in their body. The fish comes
in in different types like broad tail, ribbon tail and butterfly, and
are pretty when viewed from above. In earlier times, around the
1930s, there was a very gorgeous veil tail Moor vastly appreciated
in England, but unfortunately they are not available anymore to
my knowledge.
Moor can live comfortably in a tank with a capacity of 20 to 25
gallons of water. You can decorate your aquarium with silky
plants and rocks. Avoid using objects, ornaments and pastic plantsinside the tank as they may damage the fish's eyes. The Black
Moor is a tank fish and doesn't do too well
in a pond. If you are adding other goldfish
to the same tank, make sure that they are
slower ones like celestials, telescopes and
bubble eyes so that all fish have an equal
chance to find food.
Temperature: This fish can survive with a
temperature of 65 - 72 degrees F (18 - 22
degrees C). Tank lighting set up should be
high. You should maintain a balanced temperament in the
Water Condition: The tank water conditions should be maintained
at a pH level of 6.5 - 7.5 and dH of 4 - 20.
Moving Level in Water: This fish swims mostly in middle level of
the water.
The Black Moor has an ideal diet consisting of a mixture of pellets,flakes, frozen foods like daphnia, shrimp, bloodworms, pre-cooked
cocktail shrimp and vegetables like lettuce, cucumber and peas.
The basic rule is to avoid foods that float as their unique
positioning of eyes makes it difficult for them to find food. You
have to maintain 30 % of protein food to grow a healthy one.
You can breed your fish after certain years. They lay up to 1000
eggs. The fish will start to grow at the age of 6 to 7 months. For
more on this, refer Breeding.
Selecting a good Black Moor
While selecting this fish, we have to follow below mentioned
1. Fish should look bright and alert
2. The caudal fin should be well divided and forked
3. The eye sacs should be well developed and match each other.
4. The short body should have a smooth outline.
5. The dorsal fin should look high and erect.
6. The color of fish should look as deep black without any shade
of brown or sliver. |